Daily Minyan Services
This gives you the opportunity to say Kaddish on the Yahrzeit of a loved one
or simply start off your day invigorated.

  8:00 AM Shacharit - Morning services


  7:00 AM Shacharit - Morning services

Monday - Friday
(6:45 AM Rosh Chodesh)


10 minutes before sunset

Mincha/Maariv - Afternoon services

Class in the Laws of Shabbos - a brief daily lesson following Mincha
Weekdays and Sundays

SHABBAT ~ at Chabad of the Mainline
We offer Shabbat and Holiday Services that are joyous, engaging and uplifting. You'll feel right at home with our warm and friendly atmosphere, with lively singing the continuous explanations and a delicious Kiddush following Services.

Candle Lighting Time/Friday Night: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat.

During the summer, Mincha/Kabbalat on Erev Shabbos is at 7:00 PM.

Shabbat Day:
  9:30 AM Shacharit - Saturday morning (Shabbat morning)
  10:30 AM Torah Reading  
  12:15 PM Kiddush  
  Candle Lighting Time Mincha  
  Follows Mincha Maariv  

KINDERSHUL available weekly for toddlers through ages 12 from 10:30 AM -12:00 PM.